Thursday 14 April 2016

Days of Our Lives

I know a lot of people are thinking, "isn't that the title of a soap opera? So cheesy"
Well, I just borrowed the title *lol*. I decided to try my hands on this for the first time, so here goes:

Wake up 5:00am, prepare for your 8am- 6pm job.

Half of the day gone and you do not even sense the pangs of hunger calling out your name,
all you feel is fatigued, overworked, even a little pissed off.

Someone once told me, "You do not work for an organisation, you should work for an institution called MYSELF", well this is true because you gain a lot of experience in order to build up yourself for the future.
But in a sitiuation where by you have had a classsic day of "Horrible Bosses 101" and all you want to do is cry or scream till your lungs hurt  just to let go of the madness going on in your head,what do you do? do you just up and quit(bear in mind that you haven't gotten another job)  or do you persevere. Personally I have learnt to take to God in prayer, take a deep breath and watch God work his wonders. This works all the time (I have the bestest father)

Believe you me i hate working under pressure, but in the job society, that is like a must because bosses will be bosses.....
So what is the koko (moral lesson) of this whole ranting.........
Its just know and develop the mindset that you cant work under someone forever , you eventually have to branch out on your own, and do not be surprised that those horrible days you had will serve as stepping stone in your journey to greatness.

A word of advice : "Make your passion i.e what you derive joy doing, your job. Only then can you actually say you love your job- Moyinnola

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